Sunday 14 October 2012

The system has been down...

I apologise profusely for the recent lack of pictures and information however I have been facing technical difficulties with the site. Everything that has been missed out has now been added and the site is now up to date! 

Aerial view

Just a few Aerial pictures from the scaffolding looking down into the rooms...

...above is the kitchen...

... above is the dining room...

...above is the main entrance and study...

...above is the lounge...

...and finally above shows the view of the whole house!

The second floor awaits

Another delivery of blocks moved up onto the scaffolding...

... Mum obviously rather excited about it all...

... and we are almost at the second floor...

... What a day!

Things are running smoothly

The walls just keep increasing in size and everything is chugging along smoothly like a steam train.


The scaffolding has been put up as planned and the walls have grown once again height wise but that's not the most exciting thing...

... We now have walls inside separating out the rooms!

Height increase

The height of the building has increased yet again more blocks have been added! The only thing we are waiting on now is the scaffolding which will hopefully arrive tomorrow.

Lovely weather and high walls

We have had lovely weather on the building site today and the builders have used it to their advantage the inner and outer block walls have been built up and apparently we are a little ahead of schedule!

Work begins again

Some of the bricks have arrived and the builders have been able to get on with work once again! The specials and the blocks have been added now allowing us to see where the render is going to be applied. Things are back on track once again.

More delays and small tasks completed

Things are still on hold while we are waiting for the bricks to arrive from Ibstock so to keep the builders with us and to stop them having to go off to find work else-where we have asked them to make a start on the garden walls surrounding the plant areas.

Specialist bricks delayed

Well things have come to a stand still on the building site as we have been waiting for the special bricks from Ibstock so there isn't much of a change since last time! 

Plinths delivered

The Plinths have been delivered